The Second person to work on the block was Carol of Florida. Carol worked on the upper left corner of the block. Which was one of the chocolate colored corners. She made a Floral Bouquet , a Vine of feather stitches with french knots. The patch below that corner she added a blanket stitch around the hearts to make them look like conversation hearts.The quotes are outlined with a brown sparkly thread.
The third person to work on the block was Carol of Canada. She added a simple vine with french knot flowers and detached petal leaves to one of the purple other purple sections of the block..The seam treatment was done with a ribbon for flowers. She build her patch to be kitten friendly.
The Fourth person to work on the block was Rae of Sweden. She added some decorations to the Heart and quote sections in the lower left corner of the block. She added Red ribbon to the Seam with some Lazy daisy stitched flowers on the top of the ribbon.The quotes are trimmed in a red ribbon or yarn.
The Fifth person to work on the block was Gina from the Swansea area of the United Kingdom. She worked on the lower right Chocolate section of the block. The seam was done in a white heart lace ribbon. The patch portion of that area was done in small hearts of assorted colors.
The Sixth person to work on the block was Ani from the Kingsbridge Devon area of the United Kingdom. Ani applied a appliqued heart to the center patch of the block. Red and white beads were added to the center to give them more interest.
The Seventh person to work on this block was Susie from the Thatcham Berks area of the United Kingdom. Susie added 3 different tatted pieces to the block.All of the tatted pieces were made by Susie. She made a Gold Circle with Lavender Ribbon Roses. The pink daisy flower is next to the Golden Circle . The seam that she worked with either a tatted pink or peach trim that had a lavender detached chain above each ring of that piece.
The Eighth person to work on the block was Janet from the Plymouth Devon area of the Untied Kingdom. Janet worked plain pink patch in the upper right corner of the block. She added a tatted Butterfly to the center of that patch. She worked on the pink seam treatment at the bottom of the block and added lavender butterfly ribbon.
I tried to give credit to all the ladies who did certain areas fo the block. If I forgot something I am very sorry about not writing about that beautiful area of the block.
Laura, What are you going to do with this block? It is lovely.